Valuing Our Time, Energy, and Life


time management quote by Thoreau

I’m paying more attention to how I use my time these days. Sometimes that means saying no to things that might be fun for some people, but not really my cup of tea. I’ve scheduled time to write on Friday mornings and work on de-cluttering most Tuesdays. These are things that can easily get crowded out. When I don’t hold firm, my writing, art, and de-cluttering projects tend to get pushed out into the zone of  no end in sight leading to despair and frustration.

It’s important to consider the value of our time and energy with each potential activity and how that activity will affect our life force. Will it drain us or inspire us? It’s okay to say no to things that take away too much life. After many years of service, I now choose not to add unnecessary stress to my life. Today, I choose activities that are meaningful to me.

The  volunteer work I do with children and community art projects inspires me. Singing at church energizes me. Working in the yard feels good when I don’t over do it. Swimming in the ocean gives me joy. It’s okay to do things that give us joy.

joanne in the ocean


joanne painting God

Singing Taize at GSC


What gives you joy?

What energizes you?

What inspires you?

Make time for the things that add life to your life!