One-Liner Wednesday: Farewell President Obama

“…for all our outward differences, we, in fact, all share the same proud title, the most important office in a democracy: Citizen.” __President Barack Obama

I will miss Barack and Michelle Obama. I will miss their dignity, their intelligence, and their grace under pressure. But I have a feeling we’ll see more of them.  That gives me hope.







One-Liner Wednesday and Just Jot it January are hosted by Linda Hill. Learn more at:


6 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday: Farewell President Obama

  1. I got teary eyed and burst into full fledged sobs when he talked about his wife. They were respectful, warm, caring and thinking people. They were a family and shared their life well. It will be quite a change but hope things will be better than expected with the Trump family.

    • That’s the same time I got teary. It looked like Michelle was trying not to cry, too. I held back the sobs this time, but they were close. I hope your hope becomes reality.

  2. I have been looking at the farewell videos and my heart is just breaking! And I am not even an American… yet it feels like they are directly reaching out to me with their example, their words and their work.

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